Who We Are
The Malawi Institute of Physical Planners (MIPP) is a registered professional body for physical planners in Malawi. The Institute aims to advance the science and art of physical planning in all its aspects, including local, regional, national and specialised planning namely, the planned, orderly and rational use and development of all land and other resources for the benefit of the public.
By its Constitution, the Patron of MIPP is the Minister responsible for Physical Planning in Malawi. The affairs of the Institute are governed by MIPP Council, which comprises duly registered members who are elected to hold positions of the Council for two years. The Council consists of the following:
- The President
- The Vice president
- The Honorary Secretary
- The Honorary Treasurer
- Three Members
- One Student Member
- The immediate past president
The aims and objects of the Institute shall be to advance the science and art of physical planning in all its aspects, including local, regional, national and specialized planning namely, the planned, orderly and rational use and development of all land and other resources for the benefit of the public, and for that purpose the Institute shall have power to do all or any of the following:
- To secure the association of those engaged or involved in the field of planning.
- To determine and uphold standards of knowledge and skill for persons seeking membership of the Institute with a view to engaging them professionally in the field of planning, and to farther the high standard of planning and competence of those engaged in planning, including the ensuring that corporate membership of the Institute as chartered planners is open only to those who are competent and have sufficient and adequate knowledge of both the theory and practice of planning.
- To represent the corporate views of the profession.
- To secure the confidence of the public on the aims and objectives of planning and the planning profession by promoting their participation in the process.
- To encourage and assist the education of persons intending to enter or to be associated with the planning profession
- To accredit and certify the training and education of planners.
- To provide forums for communication and interchange of knowledge with other professions, association, educational institutions and those engaged in research on matters related to planning.
- To do all such other lawful things as the council may deem necessary in order to achieve and give effect to the objects of the Institute.
What We Do
Education & Training
To accredit and certify the training and education of planners
Public Confidence
To secure the public confidence on the aims and objectives of planning
Corporate Authority
To represent the corporate views of the planning profession
Lawfully Binding
To do all such other lawful things as the council may deem necessary
Secure Planners
To secure the association of those involved in planning
Research & Consultancy
To undertake high quality research & professional consultations
MIPP Affiliate Institutions
The Malawi Institute of Physical Planners is affiliated to the following Academic and Research Institutions across Malawi
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Reach Us
The Malawi Institute of Physical Planners (MIPP)
P.O. Box 30193, Lilongwe