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MIPP Member Registration Types

We have four main categories of Membership at the Malawi Institute of Physical Planners which includes Fellows, Corporates, Associates and Students.

Fellow Members

Corporate Members

Associate Members

Student Members

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MIPP Membership Fees

MIPP Members Feedback

“MIPP has benefited me personally by providing a platform for professional development in the form of a network of professional planners across Malawi where we can exchange ideas, experience and as well provide solutions to range of land use problems in Malawi”

Tony Gondwe

Physical Planner, Karonga District Council

MIPP helps members to promote and support Physical Planning profession by protecting the interests of the professionals themselves and also protecting the public interest. It provides access to professional development resources to enhance skills and knowledge and to stay up to date on changes within the field

Symon Chimwaza

Chief Urban Planning Officer, Blantyre Town Council, Corporate MIPP Member

“I have recently graduated as a Physical Planner and I am currently consolidating my GIS & Remote Sensing data collection skills by further training in drone assembly and flying. I have the hope and belief that one day MIPP will go full throttle by offering skills in drones & issuing drone pilot licences”

Salome Msango

Physical Planner, Expert in GIS & Remote Sensing Data Collection Using Drones

“MIPP as a Professional Planning body empowered me with knowledge and skills that I applied in the formulation of Ecotourism Strategy for our Country. The aim was to promote tourist sites in improving the living conditions of people around them, while managing and protecting nature that give value to them”

Rhoda Mollande Iphani

Livelihood Expert, ICN-Artea (Spanish Consultant Company in Tourism) [Chartered MIPP Member]

“I have found MIPP to be an essential part of my professional development over the years. MIPP has provided me with access to resource information and it has broaden my professional contacts with experienced planners, allowing me to have a sense of security and trust.”

Wilfred Jana

Planning Postgraduate Student, University of Cape Town (UCT)

“MIPP as a planning professional body has helped a lot in trying to discipline planners who perform tasks contrary to the provisions of the field. As a Student MIPP member, I have also benefited to acquire knowledge from the experienced planners by interacting with them”

Pickford Chunga

Final Year Physical Planning Undergrad, The Malawi Polytechnic

“Physical planning is a noble profession entrusted with the responsibility of making the face of the earth aesthetically and efficiently hospitable in an orderly manner, not just for the human being but also for the whole creation. I see MIPP to be in a position to advocate and see to it that this happens in Malawi. MIPP does this through seminars, CPDs, publications, trainings, consultancy, and so forth”

Catherine Kulemeka

Retired Chief Town Planning Officer (Lilongwe City Council), Private Planning Consultant [Chartered MIPP Member]

“As a professional body for physical Planners in Malawi, MIPP provides a Platform for Planners to dissuss issues in the Planning field and provides an opportunity for Planners to network. I once benefitted from a Career Development programme that was organized for by the Institute in Salima. Among another things we looked at how land use planning is key in the management of floods which affects human settlements.”

Mercy Betty Dube

Director of Urban Development, Department of Urban Development, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development.

Reach Us

The Malawi Institute of Physical Planners (MIPP)

P.O. Box 30193, Lilongwe

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