Our Policy

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Policy Issues of Concern

The Malawi Institute of Physical Planners has, of late, noticed with great concern, planning issues that need its voice as follows


There have been commercial layout plans produced by individuals and firms who are not registered with MIPP, and are not even qualified (certified) physical planners. MIPP has noted that such plans have lots of irregularities in as far as professional physical planning is concerned. The plans are usually advertised in the media and other platforms.

In the interest of sanity in the built environment, and compatibility and harmony in land uses and developments, MIPP advises such individuals and firms to stop the malpractice forthwith. Further, the general public is encouraged to seek MIPP’s or any registered and certified physical planner’s opinion when they want to deal in purchases of plots produced by individuals and firms to avoid inconveniences later. This applies to both urban and rural areas, because the Physical Planning Act, 2016, declared the whole Malawi a planning area. Currently, the general public can inquire with MIPP on professional status of any particular physical planner they would want to engage.


MIPP has been approached by some interested parties on Malawi Government’s negligence to seek planning permission for its developments. A recent issue in question, for instance, is the construction of two stadia in Blantyre by Government. It has been discovered, after the concerns from the general public were being investigated, that Government did not submit its development proposals for the two projects, respectively, to the responsible local authority (Blantyre Town Planning Committee) for approval.

Here, MIPP is concerned, because Government is supposed to follow the Law to the letter as a good example to the public. It has to be appreciated, that such big projects require Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) so that modalities are put in place for impacts, in case there might be any. Scrutiny by Planning Committees is pertinent so that developments take place orderly, and with proper consideration and mitigation of impacts. MIPP will soon humbly seek audience with its Patron, the Honourable Minister responsible, on the same.

Constitution & Policy Documents

The following documents contains the stipulations of our Constitution and Policy at The Malawi Institute of Physical Planners (MIPP)

MIPP Constitution Document

The following Constitution document for The Malawi Institute of Physical Planners (i.e. MIPP Constitution)  has been compiled as an official legally binded document of reference by any of our stakeholders, partners, affilites, members and prospective members.

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The Malawi Institute of Physical Planners (MIPP)

P.O. Box 30193, Lilongwe

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